Choose Your Sponsorship Level to Help Us Reach the Summit!
Help sponsor our Race Team or other special program. Valid for 1 year.
Recognition on our website with logo & link to your website
Shout out on our social media channels
Option to sponsor our Race Team or Veteran Events
Acknowledgement in printed event materials
Summit Supporter SWAG
Highest level provides operating funds, or major equipment. Valid for 2 years
Recognition on our website with logo & link to your website
Shout out on our social media channels
Option for a piece of equipment with your name/logo on it
Press Release to honor your partnership with Summit
Your logo on our SWAG distributed at events
Acknowledgement in printed event materials
Summit Supporter SWAG
Sponsor an athlete for a season or supply equipment support. Valid for 1 year.
Listing on our website
Shout out on our social media channels
Acknowledgement in printed event materials
Summit Supporter SWAG

Thank You For Your Interest in Becoming a Sponsor!
We rely on funding from generous corporate and individuals like you to help purchase the best in industry adaptive equipment, cover operating expenses and provide scholarships to those athletes with financial need. Your sponsorship will provide you with recognition in the community, on the mountain and at special events. All sponsors are welcome to spend a day with us on the mountain to experience firsthand how their generosity changes lives.
At this time we can accept PayPal payments
OR please consider sending a personal or business check to save us on processing fees. Checks can be made out to Summit Adaptive Sports, Inc. and mailed to us at:
Summit Adaptive Sports, Inc.
P.O. Box 151
Pine Meadow, CT 06061
*Summit Adaptive Sports, Inc. is a corporation described in Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code whose IRS recognition is exemption from federal income taxation.