Accessible Winter Sports: Embrace the Chill
Winter Sports Program

Benefits of Adaptive Skiing & Snowboarding
Adaptive snow sports enables skiers and riders with disabilities to participate in the sports and enjoy being outdoors. Besides being fun it also has health benefits such as working on skills like balance and coordination. If you are able to propel yourself with poles or outriggers, it can also provide a cardiovascular workout.
Getting out of the house and into the fresh air and sun can improve your Vitamin D levels, social skills, and mental health. From first timers to more advanced levels, lessons can be tailored to each individual's ability with the goal always of providing as much independence as possible.
Adaptive snow sports can be enjoyed by those with many disabilities including ASD, ADHD, Blind/Low Vision, Deaf/Low Hearing, Cerebral Palsy, Intellectual Disability, Traumatic Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury, PTSD, Anxiety and Limb Loss.
Winter Packages
Lesson information for the 2024-2025 season is detailed below. We offer two types of lesson packages for skiers and snowboarders: Individual and Multi-Lesson packages. The Multi-Lesson packages are available as a five consecutive week program, called Summit Explorers for weekend packages and Club Summit for midweek packages.
Multiweek lessons will open for reservations from October 5th to December 1st, you must complete this form with preference of dates:
You will need to complete Athlete Registration Form* and waivers. We will contact you with confirmed dates within 5-8 business days and then you will complete payment with Ski Sundown. Multiweek lesson packages are available to returning athletes. One package per participant is available.
Individual Lessons reservations will be available beginning December 16th. After completing the Athlete Registration Form*, waivers and rental form allow us 3 business days to process and then you should call Ski Sundown's Welcome Center at 860-379-7669 ext. 211 to reserve and book your lessons. Five individual lessons per participant are available.
We encourage you to complete the Athlete Registration Form*, sign the waivers and fill out the rental form as soon as possible to avoid any delays.
*If the participant is returning and 18 or older you only need to complete the Athlete Registration Form again if contact or medical information has changed. If participant is under age 18, or you are new to us, please complete the Athlete Regsitration Form. The waivers need to be signed by all every year.
Individual Adaptive Lesson Package
2 ½ hours of private instruction (includes time for equipment fitting)
Adaptive and/or standard ski or snowboard equipment
Lift ticket
Handicap parking is available on the left and right of the main footbridge entrance.
You can also purchase a lift ticket for one person accompanying adaptive lesson participant.
Weekends: Saturday and Sundays 9:30am & 1:00pm
Tuesday 9:30am, 3:00pm & 5:30pm
Wednesday 3:00pm & 5:30pm* (5:30pm available in January only, in Feb time is reserved for special programs or by request only)
Thursday 9:30am, 3:00pm
Thursday 5:30pm reserved for special programs or by request only
Additional midweek mornings & midweek holidays by request
Individual Lesson Package Prices
2 ½ hours
Price: Midweek: $90 Weekend: $120
For ages 4+. Any skill level. Includes 2 ½ hour private lesson, adaptive and/or standard ski or snowboard equipment, and lift ticket. Handicap parking is available.
Price: Midweek: $35 Weekend: $45
Valid for all lifts when accompanying lesson. Limited to one participant.
Maximum of 5 Individual Lesson Packages per participant/season, additional requests will be placed on waitlist.
Multi-Lesson Adaptive Program Packages*
*Same day & time for 5 consecutive weeks, available for returning participants
OFFERED WEEKDAYS (Club Summit) & WEEKENDS (Summit Explorers):
2½ hour semi-private lesson scheduled over 5 weeks for approved Summit Adaptive Sports skiers.
For ages 4+. Skiers and Snowboards* (*by special request). Includes rental and adaptive equipment, if needed.
Students will enjoy learning and skiing in a more independent setting, guided by adaptive instructors.
All sales are final once a Multi-Lesson package is booked. There are no refunds, changes, exchanges, or postponements due to weather, conditions, or any other reason unless Ski Sundown is closed.
SKI SUNDOWN OFFERS A PROGRAM PROTECTION POLICY -Available at the time of program purchase
Club Summit: 2024-2025 Season
Session 1
Days & Dates
Tues 9:30am, 3:00pm & 5:30pm
Weds 3:00pm & 5:30pm Waitlist for 3:00 & 5:30 lessons
Thur 9:30am, 3:00 pm & 5:30pm
Session 2
Days & Dates
Tues 9:30am, 3:00pm & 5:30pm
Weds 3:00pm
Thur 9:30am & 3:00 pm
5x 4 hour lift pass & lesson = $425
Passholder* lesson: = $365
Lesson Makeup Date: Week of March 17 -21
*Season passholder or midweek 12-week passholder
Midweek Morning Lessons and Holidays by request.
Tues Jan 7,14,21,28 Feb 4
Wed Jan 8,15,22,29 Feb 5
Thur Jan 9,16,23,30 Feb 6
Tues Feb 11,18,25 Mar 4,11
Wed Feb 12,19,26 Mar 5,12
Thur Feb 13,20,27 Mar 6,13
Note: Session 1, Wednesday 3:00 -5:30pm & 5:30 - 8:00pm lessons are now waitlist only
Sat Jan 4,11,18,25 Feb 1
Sun Jan 5,12,19,26 Feb 2
Summit Explorers: 2024-2025 Season
Session 1
Days & Dates
Sat 9:30am & 1:00pm Waitlist for 9:30 & 1:00 lessons
Sun 9:30am $ 1:00pm Waitlist for 9:30 & 1:00 lessons
Session 2
Days & Dates
Sat Feb 8,15,22, Mar 1,8 Waitlist for 1:00 lessons
Sun Feb 9,16,23 Mar 2,9
Sat 9:30am & 1:00pm
Sun 9:30am $ 1:00pm
5x 4 hour lift pass & lesson = $550
Passholder* lesson: = $490
Lesson Makeup Date: Weekend of March 15 & 16
*Season passholder
Note: Session 1, Sunday 9:30 & 1:00pm - waitlist only, Sat 9:30 & 1:00pm available for sitskiers or waitlist). Session 2, Saturday 1:00 pm - waitlist only)

Summit Adaptive Scholarship Program
Summit Adaptive Sports is committed to providing affordable programs that are accessible to all, regardless of one's financial situation. Our goal is that cost should never be the sole barrier to participation. All current season program offerings and lesson rates are listed on the sport event pages. Full or partial scholarships are available for all Summit Adaptive Sports programs and are made possible by grants and generous donors. Scholarship applications will be reviewed and awarded on a rolling basis until our scholarship funds are depleted. If you are interested in applying please complete a Scholarship Application (in addition to the Participant Registration Form) and our independent review committee will contact you. The Scholarship Application can be found below.